1 of a kind Eprinex® makes a lot of cents.
EPRINEX Pour-On for cattle is 1 of a kind.

EPRINEX Pour-On for cattle is 1 of a kind. It contains eprinomectin – the most potent active ingredient identified to date to kill gastrointestinal parasites in adult dairy cattle. It’s the 1 and only drench to have a worldwide NIL milk withholding when treating lactating cows.
It’s also the No.1 drench for return on investment. In fact, for every 45 cows treated, you get the equivalent of one cow’s worth of milk, meaning you can run fewer cows to get the same production or the same number of cows to get more!
EPRINEX makes a lot of sense… and cents.
Season after season, EPRINEX has been trusted on farm to deliver exceptional health and production outcomes. It is so much a part of the farming landscape, that it has become a household name in rural communities.
Global leader in animal health, supporting local NZ brands.
Boehringer Ingelheim (BIAH) is the name behind EPRINEX. We are a global leader in both companion animal and livestock products with many of our products made here in NZ. While BIAH enjoys a high profile, a little less is known about the investment BIAH makes in New Zealand agriculture. This investment comes in the form of continual development, testing, trialling and manufacturing these trusted products right here in NZ, ensuring they’re fit-for-purpose. This results in farmers across NZ integrating BIAH products into their systems to deliver healthier livestock and higher production gains.
Here for the long haul.
BIAH is here to stay and assure farmers they are backing their products with the same vigour as before, to ensure farmers maintain healthier, more productive livestock and achieve their on-farm goals. BIAH is proud to play its part in backing NZ farmers to keep their position at the forefront of sustainable and productive agricultural practices on the world stage – for many more years to come.
ACVM No. A007191