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50 years ago in the NZ Dairy Exporter: May 1975

As NZ Dairy Exporter counts down to its centenary in 2025, we look back at the issues of earlier decades.

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Light shines on Wagyu

Two dairy farmers have found a way around a fluctuating calf market by partnering with First Light. Words Sheryl Haitana.

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Wider impacts of alternative proteins

The growth in supply of alternative proteins is likely to have a marked effect on global protein markets and prices. Words Anne Lee.

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Giving your calves the best chance

No calf rearer wants to deal with a disease outbreak and see their calves fall behind through illness when they should be thriving. How do you balance regular disinfecting with reducing cost? Words Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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Don’t get stuck onfarm this spring

Tapping into the potential workforce in your local community could be a game changer for dairy farmers this spring and a new online platform has made it easier to connect with people. Words Sheryl Haitana.

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Investing in the right technology

Data is only as valuable as one’s ability, or willingness, to use it. Farmers investing in technology for their farm dairy require functionality and data that adds to their onfarm business decisions. Words Sheryl Haitana.

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Purposeful pasture renewal

While it’s already getting busy onfarm, taking a bit of time now to think about the wider feed strategy and paddock selection can pay dividends later. Words Anne Lee.

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Pasture’s perfect partner

Maize silage is the perfect partner to pasture on dairy farms, supporting maximum pasture growth and quality, whilst also providing economic, animal health, and environmental benefits that work in harmony with pastoral farming. Words Sheryl Haitana.

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Episode 24 – Future insights from South Island Dairy Event

The Dairy Exporter’s Sheryl Haitana and Anne Lee attended the 25th South Island Dairy Expo (SIDE) this week, to catch up on the latest dairy innovations. They chatted to the keynote speakers about resilience and wellbeing, rural bank lending, and the impact new proteins will have on dairy products, and how they can coexist alongside each other.

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SIDE visits Lincoln Farmlets

The Low N farmlet trial carried out at Lincoln University is looking at all the tools in the box when it comes to lowering nitrogen loss and is also looking at a milk-based indicator tool for farmers to track and manage their herd’s dietary N surplus during the season.
Words Racheal Bryant

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Episode 23 – Sheltering cows in a changing climate

With extreme weather events becoming more common, hot days in the sun are bad enough for people – so what are we doing for our livestock? Heat stress is a concerning issue for cows, but what are some cost-effective, practical solutions? And is it part of a broader conversation about farm-system resilience?

Hear from three experts in this field: Kyle Wills on a practical farm try-out; Annabel Davies on what Pāmu have implemented; and Dr Helen Beattie on practical solutions from an animal welfare perspective.

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Putting plans in place

While George Moss, in Tokoroa is buying more greenhouses and focussing on being self sufficient, he is urging industry to lead harder when it comes to managing emissions.

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Episode 22 – Balancing environmental obligations with profitability

There is a global race happening to reduce emissions from dairy farming with more solutions potentially becoming available to housed-cow systems. So where does that position New Zealand’s pastoral model? Hear from three different agribusinesses supporting farmers to reduce emissions; Margaret Stuart from Nestlé Oceania; Charlotte Rutherford from Fonterra; and Wayne McNee from AgriZero.

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Episode 21: Breeding for lower methane

How efficient can our cows get when it comes to methane? CRV and LIC are right now measuring emissions from the first daughters born in their methane research programme and testing the heritability of the trait. If the programme is successful, the companies hope to deliver a methane breeding value into their respective breeding indexes by 2026.

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Good Soil = Good Yield

For Waikato farmer Alan Henderson, maize growing is a key component of his dairy farming operation. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Episode 20: Capturing more profit from pasture

Farmers Will Grayling and Will Green discuss their profitable pasture-based systems and share their top tips on hitting pasture cover targets. Barenbrug’s Graham Kerr shares tips for getting the most out of your pasture crops, and when to start having conversations, making strategies, and communicating them.

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