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Episode 6 – Are we safe in a slight pivot away from China for our dairy trade?

This episode explains how New Zealand’s dairy industry can be less reliant on China with demand from Middle East, Africa & South East Asia alongside reduced production from other dairy exporters. Guests include Christina Alvarado, Commercial Manager for Dairy Data and Insights, NZX, Hon. Todd McClay, Minister of Trade and Sjoerd Hofstee, Dairy Journalist, Netherlands.

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Episode 5 – How to support & navigate dairy farming as a woman

Editor of Dairy Exporter, Sheryl Haitana and co-host Deputy Editor, Anne Lee, chat with employers including Bernadette Kelly from Pāmu (Landcorp Farming), Emma Poole, Young Farmer of the Year Winner, dairy farmer & vet and Erynne Fields of Devon Dairies, who reveal the rewards they are getting by nurturing women working on farms.

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Episode 4 – Reducing emissions without reducing profitability

The 30% emission reduction by 2030 target was set by Fonterra in November 2023 and the dairy co-op is counting on its 9000 farmers to cut methane with 7% of that total coming from farming more efficiently. So can it be done? Guests include Pete Morgan, Graham Kerr and Jason Rolfe.

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The veal deal

Where others saw the issue of bobby calves in the dairy industry as a serious issue, Alan McDermont and Julia Galway saw an opportunity: to produce world class pasture-raised veal that everyone could enjoy.

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Episode 3 – Is there really value in our dairy-beef calves?

Editor of Dairy Exporter, Sheryl Haitana along with her co-host Anne Lee, Deputy Editor, discuss the change in focus to value opportunities for dairy-beef with industry experts Bob Thomson of AgFirst, Allan McDermott of Pearl Veal and Rebecca Hickson, Geneticist with Focus Genetics.

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Continue doing what you do best

You’ve already made great genetic gains. You’ve improved your milk production, built a better herd, and are on track for further improvements.

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Margin squeezed but profits possible

Despite the rapid downward movements in milk price, and upward movements in onfarm costs, the rules of a successful dairy farming system remain the same, Mark Aitken writes.

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Episode 2 – How are the top 25% farming in the sweet spot?

With on-farm inflation, interest rates and a lower payout, what are the top performing dairy farmers doing to find the sweet spot? Editors Anne Lee and Sheryl Haitana delve into the special cost control report in Dairy Exporter Magazine.

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A woman with a farming future

An addition to the family is on the horizon for Finja Philips, with a new generation for the family. Her first baby is due in March, luckily the perfect “time” for a spring calving calendar laughs Finja. By Claire Ashton.

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Co-op focuses on the family

Fonterra has seen a significant increase in return and retention rates since implementing its new parental leave policy. By Sheryl Haitana.

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50 years ago in the Dairy Exporter: February 1974

As NZ Dairy Exporter counts down to its centenary in 2025, we look back at the issues of earlier decades.

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50 years ago in the Dairy Exporter January 1974

As NZ Dairy Exporter counts down to its centenary in 2025, we look back at the issues of earlier decades.

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AHV: Steering away from antibiotics

Constant use of antibiotics and the repetitive cases of severe udder health challenges have prompted a change in practice. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Tow and Fert: Slurry cuts fert application

Driving down fertiliser use through applying it in a foliar slurry has shown good results for an Irish farm  and was highlighted at a recent field day.

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Agritrade: FE risks grow with El Nino

The window for facial eczema is often misconstrued. With El Nino conditions forecast to last well into the end of autumn this year, hot dry conditions followed by warm rain, could see increases in fungal growth and spore production be a risk over an extended period.

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