DairyNZ’s ‘Join Us’ campaign has changed perceptions for about four in 10 New Zealanders, with 82% saying it made them more favourable toward the dairy sector, research conducted for DairyNZ has shown.

Launched in January, it ran for just three months as a multi-channel campaign, ‘Join Us’ designed to reach a broad audience. The aim was to give Kiwis a better understanding of what it means to be a dairy farmer – connecting with everyday New Zealanders to build awareness and trust in the sector, and inviting more Kiwis to join dairy farming.


  • Had great visibility – an estimated 3.1 million people (18+ years) saw the Join Us campaign at least once over the total campaign period.
  • High awareness – 1/3rd of New Zealanders say they have heard of or seen the campaign (unprompted awareness).
  • Strong recall of what the campaign was about – almost three-quarters of people aware of Join Us remembered a dairy sector or farming message, with ‘dairy sector as a career’ being the main message recalled.
  • Created positive impressions of dairy The main message people took from the campaign was to join or consider a career in dairy and that there were benefits, variety and skills to working in the dairy sector.
  • Positive flow-on effect – helping change perceptions The campaign changed perceptions for about four in ten New Zealanders, with 82% saying it made them more favourable toward the dairy sector.
  • DairyNZ has now kicked off an intensive GoDairy promotion that will run until August. It is aimed at inspiring, encouraging and recruiting younger people to dairy roles before calving.
  • With roughly 4000 dairy farming vacancies nationwide, and many farmers under real pressure to fill roles this season, DairyNZ wants to help attract more people to a dairy career.
  • GoDairy will appear across a range of social media and online platforms, encouraging people to visit godairy.co.nz to learn more about what dairy farming involves and how to apply.


