MaxCare has launched a calf rearing app which features calculators, feeding guidelines and other easy-to-follow instructions.

MaxCare Animal is designed to make farmers’ lives easy by providing them with a tool on their phone that gives them access to information at their fingertips.

“The app helps maximise productivity by guiding farmers through a consistent and targeted approach with their infant animals, accessed easily through the handy location of their mobile phone,” MaxCare New Zealand sales manager Philip Spies says.

“This app was created to simplify some of the potentially confusing messaging around calf rearing,” Spies says.

“My favourite feature is the calculators. They help enable farmers to be more accurate and consistent, while removing a lot of the thinking work required, out of an already very busy daily schedule.”

To support the launch of the new App, MaxCare is also running a competition, with 50 MaxCare-branded R.M.Williams vests valued at $109 to give away.

The competition is open to residents in New Zealand over the age of 18 years of age. To enter, simply fill in the form on the website and answer the question in 25 words or less “What is your favourite feature of the MaxCare Animal App and why”.

The MaxCare Animal app is available to download on IOS via Apple App Store and Android via Google Pay.

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