Brand Spotlight
Getting pasture renewal right
Autumn is the time to look forward and begin planning for next season. One of the most important targets is pasture eaten and what you do now, in terms of pasture renewal, is key to making sure you have the feed available. Anne Lee finds out how you make a great pasture renewal plan.
Controlling the controllables
Growing grass in South Canterbury can be a challenge with pasture performance relying heavily on the availability of water from irrigation schemes and what Mother Nature dishes out. One farm has been on a mission to tackle the issue of pasture performance by controlling the controllables.
Traceability starts at home
With the dairy and beef market both looking positive for 2025, beef finishers will be looking for quality dairy beef genetics to buy. The proof behind those genetics starts with an ear tag. Words Sheryl Haitana.
Salmonella Spikes
There have been some catastrophic outbreaks of Salmonella this year. Salmonella can strike without warning and spread quickly at any time, so what lessons can we learn from these recent outbreaks? Words Sheryl Haitana.
Data collaboration to make compliance administration faster
Agriculture businesses and organisations are stepping up to help farmers save time with reporting responsibilities and to unlock the value of new devices and software tools. DairyNZ’s 2023 Workplace Productivity survey found New Zealand farmers spend approximately one hour every day on administrative tasks like paperwork and reporting.
Revolutionising Dairy Farming: GeneMark Genomics’ Affordable Path to a More Efficient and Sustainable Dairy Industry
You’ve always tried to breed from your best, and you already know the power of genomics. Through LIC’s new GeneMark Genomic service, you can continue to identify superior genetics with increased reliability at a younger age.
Less spraying. Better looking crops.
Hamish Blackmore grows beet for winter feed, however had been struggling with a severe wild turnip issue over the years, which was affecting the beet yield. In 2023, on advice from their local PGG technical field rep, they decided to trial the Conviso ® Smart System, to control the wild turnip and reduce the number of sprays.
Persistent yields with Stampede CM142
Kiwis know a thing or two about persistence, toughness and high performance. It’s the same qualities you’ll find in our new Stampede CM142 diploid perennial ryegrass with the CM142 endophyte.
Continue protecting your herds performance
Now’s the time to stay on top of animal health.
Continue doing what you do best
You’ve already made great genetic gains. You’ve improved your milk production, built a better herd, and are on track for further improvements.