Farming for the community
A south Taranaki couple met as small children, reconnected at Massey University, and are now producing for their community. Story and photos by Ross Nolly.
Data driving decisions
Science, data, modelling and software will be pivotal to meeting the challenges New Zealand faces in order to keep producing the best food in the world.
Facing the squeeze
Despite recent market recoveries, many farmers could benefit from more independent scrutiny of their plans, Phil Edmonds writes.
Dairy season showing resurgence
After August’s fall has come the recovery of the dairy market. By Rosalind Crickett.
Lincoln University opens new building
Opening of a major new building is a sign of recovery for Lincoln University, Anne Lee writes.
Whole milk powder slumps
With extra volumes on the auction and excess supply in the global market, it was unsurprising that a decline in demand for whole milk powder occurred. By Alex Winning-Brown.
Cost of producing milk in Brazil
Brazil, South America’s largest country, is largely self-sufficient in dairy supply. By Wagner Beskow.
Visions of youth
A common interest in food and fibre is the catalyst for a group of young primary sector advocates. Anne Lee reports.
Learning to love the rules
Compliance may be seen as a bugbear by many farmers, but world markets are set to demand more. By Phil Edmonds