Change Takes Time
The journey to organic dairy farming, building biodiversity, removing synthetic fertiliser and breathing life back into the soil does not happen overnight, but it starts by digging a hole.
Words Sheryl Haitana & Sarah Perriam-Lampp. Photos Camilla Rutherford, Sentient Imagery & Ella Bailey
Aquifer Puzzle
The Te Waikoropupū Springs has some of the clearest water ever measured and steps are being taken to protect it even further; yet little is known about how the aquifer system feeding it works. Meaning for those making improvements and refining practices to reduce nitrate, there is no scientific method to produce data that proves they are achieving the right results.
The Northland cycle: Wet dry – rinse and repeat
Whatever happens to Freshwater Plan changes, Northland faces significant challenges with climate change. By Delwyn Dickey.
Driving out greenhouse gases
A Southland couple have bought the farm they were sharemilking and are taking part in the Carbon Neutral Dipton study. Anne Lee reports. Photos by Edwin Mabonga.
Stepping lighter in the north
A Northland sharemilking couple are making their mark on the environment of the farm where they live and work.
By Delwyn Dickey. Photos: Malcolm Pullman
Gaining credits for nature
Mitigating the risk of New Zealand’s unique wildlife, plants and habitats disappearing is at the heart of a proposed biodiversity credits system Phil Edmonds writes.
Hazards highlighted with drought forecast tool
A new drought forecasting tool will help farmers make timely decisions which could bring financial and emotional benefits. Elaine Fisher reports.
Dutch farmers fasten their seat belts
After a few great years of production and earnings, Dutch dairy farmers are deep in the manure. By Sjoerd Hofstee.
Programme helps Canterbury farmers meet N loss targets
A programme covering the Selwyn/Hinds districts of Canterbury has helped farmers meet nitrogen loss targets, writes Virginia Serra, DairyNZ senior manager, solutions and development.
Powering up
Possibilities of introducing agrivoltaic electricity generation systems into New Zealand pastoral farming was subject of a recent study. By Delwyn Dickey.