The AI farmer
AI – not Artificial Insemination … the new buzz is Artificial Intelligence. Waikato sharemilker Matthew Zonderop has adopted the technology in his farming business. Words Sheryl Haitana.
Sizzling science
Machine learning and advanced cow-based technologies are helping scientists predict heat stress risk for cows and provide early warnings to farmers, enabling them to implement action plans to mitigate its effects. Words Anne Lee.
Dairy Beef Progeny Test enters new phase
Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s long-term Dairy Beef Progeny Test is entering a new phase which involves more farms and a new approach to identifying opportunities offered by superior dairy beef. Words Sandra Taylor.
Facial Eczema decisions
Facial eczema is a disease of the liver, not the skin. It causes milk production loss and welfare challenges, most of the time without farmers even realising. It’s time to break the cycle and do it better. Words Emma Cuttance.
Johne’s disease: The hidden threat in your dairy herd
Johne’s disease is a hidden yet widespread threat to dairy herds, silently reducing productivity and profitability, but proactive testing, culling, and biosecurity measures can help farmers take control. Words Kara Dawson.
Salmonella Spikes
There have been some catastrophic outbreaks of Salmonella this year. Salmonella can strike without warning and spread quickly at any time, so what lessons can we learn from these recent outbreaks? Words Sheryl Haitana.
Rearing heifers
Many dairy calves who have just been weaned will be heading off to grazing blocks soon. How can we support these calves to thrive during their first summer? Words DairyNZ.
Testing opens the window for reduced drenching
Taking the guesswork out of when to drench calves, via better testing and monitoring of worms, is one way farmers can help reduce the issue of drench resistance. Words Sheryl Haitana, Photos Emma McCarthy.
What’s happening with these Worms?
Headlines about triple drench resistance in the sheep industry are sending waves through the rest of the primary sector. So what about our dairy industry? Words Ginny Dodunski.
Breaking the Worm Cycle
Implementing a good feed strategy for calves is half the equation when it comes to worm control. Owl Farm has found using chicory to increase protein for their calves has ultimately had the added benefit of reduced exposure to worms. Words Sheryl Haitana.