Milking Platform
Don’t throw the experienced baby out with the bathwater
Recently Frances Coles has noticed a concerning trend with a number of businesses closely related to farming making redundancies and losing experienced people from their teams.
Chasing water efficiency
An investment in new irrigation infrastructure will hopefully save Hamish Hammond thousands of dollars.
Better condition at mating = more heifer calves
The sun is finally out! Trish Rankin says it’s time to optimise their farm for the season.
The risks of strategy change
Richard Reynolds reflects on his time as a farm consultant and questions DairyNZ’s new strategy to meet farmer needs.
Rain-sodden farms under pressure
Mark Collins sheds some light on the seasonal and industry challenges facing farmers in Ireland.
Investing in all the right places
An out-of-the-box summer and an investment in collars led to more milk in the vat this season and healthier cows, writes Anieka Templer.
We can breathe
Penelope Drysdale is achieving goals of organic certification and feeling great and now she feels like she can finally breathe at Te Miro, near Norsewood.
Putting plans in place
While George Moss, in Tokoroa is buying more greenhouses and focussing on being self sufficient, he is urging industry to lead harder when it comes to managing emissions.
Where is your bucket?
What and where we carry in our bucket of life’s experiences affects where we are going, Suzanne Hanning writes.
2023 goodbye
Frances Coles is always relieved to see the calendar flick over to January again each year, knowing that there is time set aside for catching up with family and friends.