Milking Platform

First-hand education

Anne-Marie Wells enjoys showing farm visitors what really goes on behind the farm gate.

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Welcome to Farmer Time

Hundreds of kilometres from an Ashburton dairy farm, a group of primary school students are kept up to date on the farm’s busy activities. By Anne Hardie.

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Taking the low-tech route

Any improvement on safety or a saving in time and effort at this time of the year is gold, writes Richard Reynolds.

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Someone said I couldn’t do it

Cambridge contract milker Chloe Mackle featured in February Dairy Exporter’s Young Country section and has joined the magazine’s team of Milking Platform contributors.

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Changes in an uncertain environment

Transitioning to a System 1 operation with A2 cows is in progress for Pete Morgan on his farm at Pokuru, near Te Awamutu.

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Running on MT

Farmers and vets say high-producing cows are struggling to conceive, George Moss writes.

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Slow down, it’s summer

Taranaki dairy farmer Trish Rankin shares what she loves about farming.

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Lessons from 2022

Farmers’ resilience to most storms, whether Covid or literal, is the key to success, Hamish Hammond writes.

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Stating the obvious

Southland dairy farmer Suzanne Hanning gets a flat tyre and is told which way is up.

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A taste of home

South Canterbury farmer Frances Coles relishes sharing food grown, caught or raised by the family.

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