Special Reports

3-NOP – The magic methane inhibitor

Researchers are seeking to adapt a methaneinhibiting feed additive used in confined systems to suit New Zealand pastoral farming. By Anne Lee.

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What’s in the pipeline

Researchers are busy seeking a wide range of solutions for reducing or eliminating methane and other Greenhouse Gas emissions from agriculture. Anne Lee reports.

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Going frozen with sexed semen

New Zealand farmers will be able to buy frozen sexed semen straws from the majority of CRV Ambreed’s top bulls this season. By Sheryl Haitana.

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Ovulating in synchrony

Smart technology has its role in the quest for improved in-calf rates and so do staff, says Waikato clinical veterinarian Scott McDougall, of the animal health research organisation Cognosco. By Elaine Fisher.

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Tech lets farmers get closer to the cows

Judging when a cow is on heat and whether she is at the optimum point for artificial insemination is a lot easier these days with the help of technology relaying information from an ear tag, collar or even a bolus in the rumen. By Anne Hardie.

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