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Margin squeezed but profits possible

Despite the rapid downward movements in milk price, and upward movements in onfarm costs, the rules of a successful dairy farming system remain the same, Mark Aitken writes.

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A woman with a farming future

An addition to the family is on the horizon for Finja Philips, with a new generation for the family. Her first baby is due in March, luckily the perfect “time” for a spring calving calendar laughs Finja. By Claire Ashton.

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Market view: Cautious optimism amid market fragility

Some farmgate milk price forecasts have risen, despite challenges in China and constraints with the Panama and Suez canals. By Rosalind Crickett.

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Global Dairy: UK milk producers quit as prices slump

Who would be a dairy farmer in the United Kingdom today? Milk prices have slumped disastrously, input costs have rocketed, pollution regulations require huge investment while the Government seems intent on encouraging food imports. By Tim Price.

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Global Dairy: Sweden in summer

Sweden has a mild climate, affordable land, and a lot of subsidies. And while several other countries in northwestern Europe are talking about shrinking livestock numbers, the Swedish government cherishes its dairy farmers. Jelle Feenstra and Sjoerd Hofstee report.

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Research Wrap: Heat stress is in Southland

DairyNZ, AgResearch and Fonterra researchers are working together to better understand the issue of heat stress and the Southern Dairy Hub is one of the research farms. By Andrea Dixon.

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From Canada with a focus on feed

Eighteen months on a Canadian dairy farm opened south Auckland farmer Andrew Hamilton’s eyes to cows’ potential. Anne Lee reports.

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Preparing for El Nino impact

Galatea farms were looking phenomenal leading up to Christmas. However, with the prediction of El Nino hitting later in the summer, Galatea farmers Peter and Tania know what levers they need to pull if it gets dry. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Onfarm feed helps offset costs

Rex and Sharon Butterworth are focused on running a system that remains profitable regardless of the payout as they make the most of their home-grown feed, which sets their stock up for optimal production. Claire Ashton reports.

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