Episode 27 – What are the risks and rewards of genetic modification?

In PodcastsJuly 19, 20242 Minutes

The government has announced a bill will be introduced to parliament this year to change rules and regulations to genetic modification. Access to genetic modification technologies globally already exists, and in this episode we talk to chief executive of Grasslanz Technology John Caradus about what we can learn from overseas, to develop the best system for New Zealand and the work already underway to develop GE forages for farmers here.

Guests include:

  1. John Caradus, CEO, Grasslanz Technology


  1. Sheryl Haitana, Editor, Dairy Exporter
  2. Anne Lee, Deputy Editor, Dairy Exporter

John Caradus says any new regulations need to be risk based and take into account risks to the environment, native wildlife and human health as well as farm systems.

He discusses the issues that have faced producers overseas in finding ways for organic farmers to coexist with those wanting to use genetic modification in their crops. He says we should learn from their experiences, but that arable farmers growing specialty seed crops here also have valuable insights into how to stop cross contamination.  

John explains the introduction of this bill is important because at the moment, while scientists can do experiments within glasshouses and laboratories, they can’t do research in real life conditions to test how plants would perform in NZ.

Find out more about the NZIPIM Conference 2024 here.

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