Episode 34 – How can farmers keep up with farm efficiency demands?

In PodcastsSeptember 6, 20242 Minutes

Farmers are increasingly being asked to be as efficient as possible in order to meet emissions and environmental obligations – but what tools are out there to get started, and maintain, efficiency goals?

In this episode we look at how dedicated farm reporting can improve efficiency onfarm, and put the tools in farmers hands. Also we get an update on the changes to the Fonterra Farm Insights reports.

Guests include:

  1. Laura Cookson, Project Manager (Environment), Fonterra
  2. Scott Townshend, CEO & Founder, Trev
  3. Jason Christensen, Nestlé Project Farmer


  1. Sheryl Haitana, Editor, Dairy Exporter
  2. Anne Lee, Deputy Editor, Dairy Exporter
  3. Sarah Perriam-Lampp, Managing Director, CountryWide Media

Fonterra’s Laura Cookson discusses how there has been an increased link between customers and onfarm projects, and the impact this has had on the demand for farm efficiency. This includes the development of tools and services, to help farmers, which could help them meet emissions reduction targets set by the likes of Nestlé.

Trev’s CEO Scott Townshend discusses why there has been a recent emphasis on efficiency onfarm, and why Fonterra have decided to partner with Trev to help farmers on their efficiency journey. He discusses how recording data and benchmarking these results can provide insights and “windows of opportunity” for farmers. 

Dairy Farmer Jason Christensen has been part of a Nestlé trial into farm efficiency and driving down emissions, and discusses his experience. He discusses the quick wins he’s had onfarm, and some of his longer term goals. 

Find out more about how a Trev subscription could work on your farm at mytrev.com

Listen to the Barenbrug Podcast: Better Pastures Together here.

Buy the Dairy Exporter Spring Issue here