Succession at Dairy Exporter
It’s been an honour to work for this magazine and I'm proud to finish with a special report I love, focusing on farming employers and companies who are valuing Women in Dairy by considering things like parental leave, good farm accommodation, childcare and working conditions.

When I started working as an agri-journalist I had four small children and a school teacher husband who during the school day could not down tools and be parent backup, but took on all of the school holiday care for our brood. It was down to me at the local school and play centre and a group of female friends who were supporters, babysitters and stand-in mums.
My work/life juggle only worked because of them, the school bus and my wonderfully supportive workplace – my kids never went without me turning up at sports days, they trailed around to work after school and ate all the chocolate biscuits in the tea room, I popped out for deliveries to after-school activities, parent teacher interviews and hundreds of other things.
That’s why I love the special report in this magazine – reading about farming employers and companies who have realised that that is what women and mothers need – support to help them grow and thrive in the workplace, time to have babies and take parental leave, good farm accommodation, childcare and working conditions that help them have a long and successful career and progress within the industry that they love. Because the juggle is real and women will repay support with long retention and 100% effort while they are in the workplace.
Our second special report is really a 101 on how to optimise feed and profitability, no matter what system you are running. Wise measuring, monitoring and use of pasture first always optimises profit – learn that lesson within these pages from some great farmers and advisers – it’s like a formula for successful dairy farming.
It’s been an honour to work for this magazine – it really delivers the best onfarm technical information and covers the issues that count on farm, and thanks to the amazing team of writers that I have been fortunate to work with and now call friends, I have loved delivering that month after month for the past seven years.
I said a few months ago that the world is changing, we all need to evolve – not realising that within four months that would mean quarterly delivery and leave me without a role, but I am heartened that the publication is in great hands with the new team and I wish them well on their new chapter. Onwards and upward, there is always something new to learn and do.
I’m passionate about the role I play in the dairy industry as a journalist, delivering solutions-led content to farmers and professionals, to help them navigate the waters of change.
Having grown up at Pirongia in the Waikato, and worked on my family’s dairy farm in various stints over the years, my experience in the industry extends beyond the written word. I understand how hard farmers work
and the passion they have for their land and cows.
I understand how important the dairy sector is and I’m driven to shine a light on the great work farmers are doing.
Succession is always underpinned with emotion. Thank you to Jackie Harrigan; you have been a fantastic editor, friend, adviser and an absolute advocate for New Zealand dairy farmers. I aspire to continue to deliver integral publications as we all, collectively, lead this industry into the next farming generation.