Revolutionising Dairy Farming: GeneMark Genomics’ Affordable Path to a More Efficient and Sustainable Dairy Industry
You’ve always tried to breed from your best, and you already know the power of genomics. Through LIC’s new GeneMark Genomic service, you can continue to identify superior genetics with increased reliability at a younger age.
Episode 21: Breeding for lower methane
How efficient can our cows get when it comes to methane? CRV and LIC are right now measuring emissions from the first daughters born in their methane research programme and testing the heritability of the trait. If the programme is successful, the companies hope to deliver a methane breeding value into their respective breeding indexes by 2026.
Seeking perfection
We know we are not perfect, but we do wish our cows were. So what, in a cow, is perfection? By Karen Trebilcock.