Dairy 101

Migrants again welcome

The borders have reopened for migrant workers for the dairy industry, but they need to know what they’re doing - newbies need not apply. Story by Karen Trebilcock.

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Keeping on the right track

When is a good time to weigh-in on your cows’ breeding worth? Story and photos by Karen Trebilcock.

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Those four stomachs

The four stomachs of cows - and other ruminants - digest grass on the way to making milk. Story and photos by Karen Trebilcock.

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When the lights go out

If mains power is cut, dairy farms need back-up power. By Karen Trebilcock.

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When you need a helping hand

Farmers needing short term help on the farm will often cover a role with casual staff. But it’s got to be done right. By Karen Trebilcock.

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All that bull

While some farms are going no-bull, using artificial insemination only, there’s a place for those noisy, big eaters who like throw their weight around. Photos and story by Karen Trebilcock.

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Pasture’s nitrogen fixer

Clover is a many-varied and valuable member of the pasture family. By Karen Trebilcock.

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Keep the water flowing

How much water do you need, and how can you control and monitor it? By Karen Trebilcock.

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