Dairy Exporter Autumn 2024

Farming trio in training

A young trio are furthering their farm training with online and in-person courses. By Claire Ashton.

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OFI comes to Tokoroa

Another new dairy processing plant has opened in South Waikato, this one owned and operated by a Singaporean conglomerate. By Claire Ashton.

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Stepping lighter in the north

A Northland sharemilking couple are making their mark on the environment of the farm where they live and work.
By Delwyn Dickey. Photos: Malcolm Pullman

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Gaining credits for nature

Mitigating the risk of New Zealand’s unique wildlife, plants and habitats disappearing is at the heart of a proposed biodiversity credits system Phil Edmonds writes.

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Retaining good people

Employers need to be flexible where they can with women working onfarm if they become pregnant and want to take parental leave. By Sheryl Haitana.

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Playtime learning

A community preschool in Mid-Canterbury supporting busy farming families and enabling mums to work. Anne Lee reports.

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Keeping it in the family

When Cleo Te Kiri became pregnant with her first child she was on the cusp of moving up the career ladder at Pāmu. The pressure to retain her career trajectory saw her return to work quickly without much room for flexibility, however, Pāmu’s overhaul of its parental leave care has made the experience more positive with the welcoming of her second child. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Farming for the community

A south Taranaki couple met as small children, reconnected at Massey University, and are now producing for their community. Story and photos by Ross Nolly.

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Where is your bucket?

What and where we carry in our bucket of life’s experiences affects where we are going, Suzanne Hanning writes.

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Pāmu farming through the gap

Pāmu wants to be seen to be a leader in eliminating gender and other pay gaps. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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