Dairy Exporter Summer 2024-25
Financial illiteracy is okay with the right support
Pulling in your financial advisers to play the right role depending on your financial skill level will elevate your decision making and business outcomes.
Words Anne lee
Control in real time
Financial literacy can become complicated with a biological business like dairy farming, with so many moving parts which can influence the year’s profit. Tracking farm performance in real time is key to keeping control of the budget.
Words Sheryl Haitana
In the driving seat
Understanding and closely monitoring the numbers is helping a North Canterbury farming family drive their business to achieve their goals.
Words Anne lee Photos Holly Lee
What good financial management looks like
Successful farming hinges on more than just good soil and weather; it relies on disciplined financial management, from tidy records to strategic budgeting and clear communication.
Words Chris Lewis
Becoming literate – The language of finance
Learning to read the numbers and decipher what they’re telling you is a skill that can be learned. Anne Lee talks to long-time financial educator Paul Bird about the process and discovers the wonder of compounding.
Financial literacy glossary
Learning to read starts early in life. It’s a critical skill. Financial literacy and being able to read the language of money and finance is a skill often neglected but one that’s also hugely important. The terms and jargon can be daunting if they’re not familiar to you, so in this special report we’re stepping you through some of those terms with our glossary. Words Anne lee
Slick gene editing
LIC is dipping its toe in the water with gene editing, collaborating offshore with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and gene technology company Acceligen in the United States to produce animals with gene edits that improve outcomes for cattle in Africa. Why, and what could this mean for New Zealand? Words Anne Lee
Ginger’s gene edit against BVD
Could gene editing animals spell the end to costly, painful diseases? US scientists have used CRISPR and cloning to create an animal resistant to BVD.
Words Anne Lee
Blueprint for a gene technology regulator
The Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) will be used as the blueprint for New Zealand’s gene regulator, likely to be proposed in the bill to be introduced to Parliament later this year. Anne Lee looks across the Tasman at what the OGTR is and how it works.
Strategy to suit
As the creeping Kikuyu plant smothers more pastoral land in the North Island, the decision for farmers is to either fight the Kikuyu or embrace it. Bay of Plenty dairy farmers Andre and Natalie Meier have embraced the summer grass, altered their system to once-a-day and are enjoying the productivity wins.
Words Sheryl Haitana Photos Emma McCarthy