Fertiliser costs

Data drives decisions

Optimising soil fertility to support pasture growth is a first principles approach for Kieran and Leonie Guiney. They are managing fertiliser cost while meeting return expectations for themselves and their sharemilking partners.
Words Anne Lee

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Soil fertility a capital asset

When times are tough on the farm, fertiliser may be one of the items left off the shopping list.
Words Kerry Dwyer

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Episode 19 – Reducing fertiliser costs without compromising fertility

Fertiliser has famously gotten more expensive, but with the introduction of a wholesale fertiliser company, is the market is about to change? Sheryl Haitana talks to farmers and experts about this market shake-up and discovers ways farmers have been able to manage their fertiliser costs and nutrient footprint, including using variable rate fertiliser applications, and annual soil testing.

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Price Pressures Flatten

While some fertiliser costs are softening, global volatility is not going away and neither are the inbuilt costs for the industry to improve its environmental footprint. Words by Sheryl Haitana.

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