Genetic modification

Unlocking the Future

The world around us is rapidly evolving, and New Zealand can no longer afford to shy away from the transformative potential of cutting-edge genetic technologies. Words Dr Alec Foster, Scion.

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Outdated GM regulations don’t cover new technologies

New Zealand’s regulations around genetic modification are more than two decades old. The technology has changed and thus the regulations are outdated. Words Anne Lee.

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New regulations will unlock potential

The Government is working through industry feedback for consultation on new policy to allow greater use of gene technology, with a bill due to be introduced this year. Words Anne Lee.

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Explaining the technologies

Gene technology has leaped ahead in recent decades with more targeted techniques. But how do the different technologies work? Words Anne Lee.

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Episode 28 – What are the risks of changing GE regulations?

In the third episode of our GE & GM discussion series, hear from two different sides of the debate, on what the risks are of introducing GE into our market, and how these risks could be managed and identified.
Hear from Jon Carapiet from GE Free New Zealand, and Dr Alec Foster from Scion Research.

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Organics to disappear in a GM world?

The loosening of regulations on GM legislation could disable the opportunity for New Zealand farmers to meet an organic standard, which could ultimately impact our connection to consumers who are demanding clean, safe food. Words Anne Lee

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Episode 27 – What are the risks and rewards of genetic modification?

The government has announced a bill will be introduced to parliament this year to change rules and regulations to genetic modification. Access to genetic modification technologies globally already exists, and in this episode we talk to chief executive of Grasslanz Technology John Caradus about what we can learn from overseas, to develop the best system for New Zealand and the work already underway to develop GE forages for farmers here.

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NZ pasture trial here and overseas

Three studies using gene technologies in pasture show big promise for New Zealand. Words Anne Lee

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Opportunities for New Zealand’s pastoral sector

The journey towards GM begins with education. People need to understand the genetic technologies and the risks and benefits associated with it, for people – including farmers – to get onboard. Words Anne Lee.

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Episode 26 – How would changing GE regulations benefit New Zealand?

With changes to gene editing regulations being signalled by the government, it’s time to have the conversation on why and how this would benefit New Zealand growers, and the general public.

But according to a survey 26% of growers don’t know how they feel about a change in regulations, which begs the question - are we having the right conversations about what gene editing means?

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