Episode 53 – Is your farm insurance keeping up with the changes?
The much anticipated Gene Technology Bill has been introduced to parliament this week giving New Zealanders the first look at what the new regulations around genetic technologies such as gene editing and genetic modification could look like. In this episode hear from Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) science advisor Dr Emily Parker on the tiered, risk-based approach to regulating the technologies, including techniques that could be exempt from the regulations. Also hear from Dr Raj Bhula, the Gene Technology Regulator in Australia.
Ensuring an insurable future
Educating and upskilling people on dairy farms is imperative to driving down risk and creating a more profitable business. Words Sheryl Haitana.
Bespoke insurance
With more significant weather events occurring, insurance companies globally are applying a new policy for farmers to insure against events rather than insuring assets. Words Sheryl Haitana
Rural insurance market insights
An online survey of 518 people was conducted between December 2023 and January 2024 with those who work or live on farms to understand their insurance needs, perceptions and behaviours.
Insurance premiums surge as global risk rises and inflation bites
No farm business would have missed the significant increase in the cost of insurance in the past year. Tony Leggett investigates what’s behind the increase and the options for reducing the cost in the future.