Vet Voice

Worms: Follow the sheep

Practices that dramatically lower ingested worm numbers in cattle are vital if the reliance on drench is to be reduced. The rapid rise in triple drench resistance in the national sheep flock is a warning. Anne Lee reports.

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Shining a light on lungworm

Lungworm is an underestimated and often forgotten parasite in New Zealand, Dr Lisa Whitfield writes.

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Are biting flies a nuisance on your farm?

There’s a fly that hangs around cows at milking and it’s irritating to both humans and bovines, writes vet Lisa Whitfield.

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Is your calf sick?

Manawatu vet Lisa Whitfield outlines the ways to check whether your calves are sick.

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The spring calving kit

The spring calving kit is one thing which should be in good order and ready to go before the first calf hits the ground, Manawatu vet Lisa Whitfield writes.

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Dry cow antibiotic therapy – just a piece of the puzzle

What are dry cow antibiotics actually for? By Lisa Whitfield.

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Caught in flood waters

As well as the effects on human life and property, February’s disastrous weather events in the North Island highlighted the health risks for cows and other livestock exposed to flood waters, vet Lisa Whitfield writes.

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A shoe for every occasion

When a cow suffers lameness from a hoof injury a shoe might help, veterinarian Lisa Whitfield writes.

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