Guaranteeing accurate placement of fertiliser and proving where it has been applied is easy when a Tracmap TML is installed in the tractor cab.
Tracmap’s Southern North Island sales manager Marty Orange says Tracmap’s clever kit is saving farmers who spread their own fertiliser hours of time, money and stress, particularly when complying with the new nitrogen fertiliser cap and reporting requirements.
“Our Tracmap TMLs provide a GPS guidance solution for farmers or their staff so they can place the fertiliser accurately in the right paddocks on the farm,” he says.

All the information collected by the unit in the cab as the fertiliser is spread on each paddock is then sent directly to the farm office computer for proof of placement requirements.

“Having that history of proof of placement automatically saved in your computer makes the reporting back to regional or national authorities really simple and easy to manage because it’s all saved automatically in one place,” he says.

Another advantage for self-spreaders who install a Tracmap TML unit is the ability for a list of paddocks to be uploaded into it from an office computer so any staff member can be given the task to spread the fertiliser.

“Farmers can rest easy knowing it’s going on the right paddocks at the correct rates, and the unit is capturing all the proof of placement information required to meet reporting requirements.”

“You don’t end up with fertiliser spread on the same paddocks that were done two weeks earlier, or fertiliser is spread at the wrong rate.”
Tracmap’s technology integrates fully with most other fertiliser management software solutions, including from Ballance, FarmIQ and Ravensdown.
Marty has clients of all ages and farm size using the TML units across his sales region of the lower North Island.

“ Age is definitely not a barrier because the units are so simple to use. One of my clients is in his seventies and he’s right into it.”
Tracmap also has a GPS guidance system for farmers using K-line irrigation systems. It ensures lines are pulled to the same spot each time, ensuring even watering every time. Tracmap’s clients are supported from a New Zealand-based support centre, in Mosgiel, south of Dunedin. The company was set up by farmers for farmers, so there’s a real appreciation of the challenges faced by those working on farms.

“When you call our 0800 support line you get a New Zealander on the phone to answer any questions.” 

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