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Learning to love the rules

Compliance may be seen as a bugbear by many farmers, but world markets are set to demand more. By Phil Edmonds

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Progression through the system

A Hawke’s Bay couple have built an extensive dairy operation, planted thousands of trees and taken out the region’s top environmental award. By Jackie Harrigan.

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Collaring a big change

Introduction of cow collars has brought a complete system change for John Milne.

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Is your calf sick?

Manawatu vet Lisa Whitfield outlines the ways to check whether your calves are sick.

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Milk fever: Prevention, prevention, prevention

Kaipara vet Rory Dean worked through the theory and the practical systems to prevent milk fever with sharemikers Joe and Danielle Kehely resulting in a staggeringly low milkfever incidence of three cases (0.57%) after calving 550 cows compared to last season’s case load of 6.1%.

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Back to the north, and more rain

Volatile weather, lower than predicted payouts, high costs, climate change and a dairy industry that still managed to finish up only 0.5% down for milk supply on the previous season. Chloe Mackle sums it up.

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Plantations growing with added compost

Composting has proved an effective means for disposal of the occasional carcase onfarm. Peter Morgan writes.

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Knocking through the grass ceiling

At 28 years old, Emma Poole is a trained veterinarian, an equity partner in two dairy farms plus a runoff and runs a 1000-calf rearing operation in Pirongia, Waikato. She also happens to be the first woman to win the NZ Young Farmer of the Year. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Readers pick our best Ag Minister

We asked Country-Wide readers who they thought had done the best job as Primary Industries or Agriculture Minister over recent decades. The results are in, with Nathan Guy just edging out Lockwood Smith as preferred Ag Minister.

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Reducing reliance on internationally produced feed

NZ livestock systems are reliant on internationally produced feed. This represents a risk especially to the profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry. By Raewyn Densley, Jeremy Hunt, Lauren McEldowney, Phil Journeaux, Julian Reti Kaukau.

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Moving times

Glenn Jones has moved the family to a new farm and found a welcome in the community.

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Dairy’s contribution to NZ

Stand up and be proud of the contribution dairying is making to the country’s economy. The "Solid Foundations: Dairy’s economic contribution to New Zealand" report shows dairy farming accounted for 3.2% of NZ's GDP in the last year. By Anne Lee.

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A message from the CEO

Fonterra CEO Miles Hurrell addresses the two recent revisions to their forecast Farmgate Milk Price for the 2023/24 season.

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Feeding calves

On-Farm Research at the Poukawa Research Farm did much pioneering research on calf rearing from the mid 1990s, rearing about 8000 calves across a wide range of trials. Paul Muir offers his thoughts on what is still relevant to current calf rearers

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Importance of colostrum

Failure of calves to get sufficient colostrum and acquire early immunity is a world-wide problem, Paul Muir writes.

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50 Years Ago in Dairy Exporter: August 1973

As NZ Dairy Exporter counts down to its centenary in 2025, we look back at the issues of earlier decades.

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