
Exclusive Survey: Genetic Modification – What do we know?

With increasing pressure on food production systems, New Zealand needs to find ways to move forward that are both sustainable and reliable. Words Liz Morley, Research First

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Biological growth for crops

Biological products are a rapidly growing market and have their place used alongside good agronomic management, but farmers and growers need to understand the products and know where best to use them in their system. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Drying off decisions influence next season

To get the best reproduction results next year means making the right decisions now at dry off. Words Jane Lacy-Hulbert.

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Spring decisions based on information

Measuring and monitoring key targets leading into spring calving will help keep cows and calves healthy. Words Emma Cuttance

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Wider impacts of alternative proteins

The growth in supply of alternative proteins is likely to have a marked effect on global protein markets and prices. Words Anne Lee.

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Good Soil = Good Yield

For Waikato farmer Alan Henderson, maize growing is a key component of his dairy farming operation. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Salad Bar for Health

“Setting the table” in a novel way that allows cows to choose what they eat, may be resulting in milk that contains more health-giving nutrients for its human consumers. Words Anne Lee.

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Research Wrap: Heat stress is in Southland

DairyNZ, AgResearch and Fonterra researchers are working together to better understand the issue of heat stress and the Southern Dairy Hub is one of the research farms. By Andrea Dixon.

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Soil nitrogen to reduce maize growing costs

While nitrogen fertiliser prices have eased, they are still a significant contributor to the cost of maize production.

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Applying science to suckling

Keeping calves with mum until weaning is part of a study of alternative rearing systems. By Anne Lee.

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