Applying science to suckling
Keeping calves with mum until weaning is part of a study of alternative rearing systems. By Anne Lee.
What the cow wants
Researchers have taken a look at dairy farming from the cows’ perspective. By Elaine Fisher
A RAT test for FE
A Taranaki scientific team is testing the development of a rapid antigen test (RAT) for the detection of facial eczema (FE). By Elaine Fisher.
Talking change
How would you lead the conversation? University of Canterbury researcher Franca Buelow asks.
Southern Hub shares wintering insights
Evolution and revolution have played their part in Southern Dairy Hub’s wintering. By Louise Cook.
Flooding halts northern Future Dairy Farm project
Cyclone Gabrielle put a spanner in the works for research on the Northland Agricultural Research Farm. By Delwyn Dickey.
Bolus offers methane mitigation
Waikato-based company Ruminant BioTech’s aims to develop a commercially viable bolus to reduce ruminant animal methane emissions has received a $7.8 million injection from the government.
Mating later but calving on the same date
The cows at the Southern Dairy Hub have dropped their calves earlier than expected. By Louise Cook.