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Hunting down poor repro reasons

Is pasture enough when it comes to managing energy deficits of high-performing cows? Anne Lee reports.

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A century at the Top of the South

Switching between sheep, forestry and dairy farming over the last 100 years, the Morrison family are now rearing Wagyu cattle on their Rai Valley farm. By Anne Hardie.

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Toll on the land

New Zealand farms see more fatalities every year than any other industry. Elaine Fisher reports.

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Natural purifier for cows’ teats

Ozonated water treatment kills 99.9% of bacteria and has no consumables as it’s a natural purifier so it’s a win-win for dairy farmers. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Asking the right question

If we all remember to ask the right questions, we should hopefully, always get the answers we need, Southland dairy farmer Suzanne Hanning says.

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Companies challenge breeding worth proposals

New Zealand breeding companies are concerned the proposed model for a single breeding worth (BW) that includes genomic evaluation risks disincentivising investment in research and development. Anne Lee reports.

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A new chapter in farming career

Succession is more than a television drama - it’s part of real life for many farming families. Hamish Hammond reports on his own family experience.

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Simple benchmarking

Using the best-available science, but keeping it simple means Alderbrook farm stacks up well in benchmarking against the Lincoln University Dairy Farm. Anne Lee compares their systems.

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The spring calving kit

The spring calving kit is one thing which should be in good order and ready to go before the first calf hits the ground, Manawatu vet Lisa Whitfield writes.

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Emma Poole wins 2023 FMG Young Farmer of the Year

Waikato Bay of Plenty Young Farmer Emma Poole is “absolutely buzzing” after being named the 55th FMG Young Farmer of the Year and making history as the contest’s first-ever female champion.

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It just makes sense

SenseHub® Dairy with Allflex® Collars, it just makes sense.

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What it costs to rear a calf

Paul Muir and staff from On-Farm Research at the Poukawa Research Farm in Hawke’s Bay have been researching calf rearing since 1996. They have put together an update of calf rearing costs for the 2023 season.

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Farmer Time celebrates successful first year

Farmer Time, an education programme that connects New Zealand school students (Years 1 – 8) and their teachers with farmers and growers across the country, proudly announces a highly successful completion of its first year.

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Tangaroa Walker named 2023 Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the Year

Tangaroa Walker, dairy farmer, industry leader, and farming advocate last night announced as the 37th winner of the Ravensdown Agricultural Communicator of the Year award at Fieldays, receiving the award from Minister of Agriculture, Hon Damien O'Connor.

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Sustainability rewarded

Winners of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards for 2023 were announced at a celebratory event at Te Papa, Wellington, in late May.

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Irish dairy cull suggested

Irish dairy farmers stirred as government suggests culling 65,000 cows per year. By Chris McCullough.

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