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Episode 26 – How would changing GE regulations benefit New Zealand?

With changes to gene editing regulations being signalled by the government, it’s time to have the conversation on why and how this would benefit New Zealand growers, and the general public.

But according to a survey 26% of growers don’t know how they feel about a change in regulations, which begs the question - are we having the right conversations about what gene editing means?

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Exclusive Survey: Genetic Modification – What do we know?

With increasing pressure on food production systems, New Zealand needs to find ways to move forward that are both sustainable and reliable. Words Liz Morley, Research First

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Episode 25 – Deep-diving fertility traits, N loss and contracts

This week we caught up with some farmers who shared their expertise at SIDE’s 2024 Conference, along with a geneticist. From new traits being researched for the fertility breeding value, to tackling strategies to reduce N loss, and finally how to navigate the ins and outs of share milking contracts, hosts Sheryl and Anne cover it all.

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SMART goals

It can be quite complicated to set and stick to goals – but finding the right goal(s) for you will make it more likely that you will succeed.
Words Kathryn Wright

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Forecasting global movements

The fertiliser supply chain has a complex array of supply and demand dynamics. Where are they at now and what could it mean for price?
Words Anne Lee

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A strategic approach

Variable rate fertiliser application is a key component to reducing overall fertiliser volume and reducing overall spend.
Words Sheryl Haitana

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Data drives decisions

Optimising soil fertility to support pasture growth is a first principles approach for Kieran and Leonie Guiney. They are managing fertiliser cost while meeting return expectations for themselves and their sharemilking partners.
Words Anne Lee

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Green gold – make it count

An effluent system upgrade at the Lincoln University Dairy Farm (LUDF) is helping to make more effective use of the $13,000- $14,000 worth of nutrients cows deposit on the yard and farm dairy each year.
Words Anne Lee

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Growing knowledge

A joint research programme between New Zealand and Ireland that started in February 2024 aims to better understand methane emissions from pasture-based systems.
Words Jane Kay

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Building a picture

AgResearch is looking at how concentrates alter methane emissions.
Words Anne Lee

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Soil fertility a capital asset

When times are tough on the farm, fertiliser may be one of the items left off the shopping list.
Words Kerry Dwyer

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A lifetime of vision

Tapping into funding has helped a Northland farm expand on its planting journey.
Words Glenys Christian. Photos Malcolm Pullman.

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Biological growth for crops

Biological products are a rapidly growing market and have their place used alongside good agronomic management, but farmers and growers need to understand the products and know where best to use them in their system. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Drying off decisions influence next season

To get the best reproduction results next year means making the right decisions now at dry off. Words Jane Lacy-Hulbert.

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Spring decisions based on information

Measuring and monitoring key targets leading into spring calving will help keep cows and calves healthy. Words Emma Cuttance

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Gouda, garlic & herb wreath

The Jones Family Farm are some of the best tasting all rounder’s we have tried. Cooking with them is a great introduction into sheep milk and will have you crumbling their cheese’s into everything! Recipe & Image Samantha Parish.

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