Organics to disappear in a GM world?

The loosening of regulations on GM legislation could disable the opportunity for New Zealand farmers to meet an organic standard, which could ultimately impact…

Episode 27 – What are the risks and rewards of genetic modification?

The government has announced a bill will be introduced to parliament this year to change rules and regulations to genetic modification. Access to genetic…

NZ pasture trial here and overseas

Three studies using gene technologies in pasture show big promise for New Zealand. Words Anne Lee

Opportunities for New Zealand’s pastoral sector

The journey towards GM begins with education. People need to understand the genetic technologies and the risks and benefits associated with it, for people –…

Episode 26 – How would changing GE regulations benefit New Zealand?

With changes to gene editing regulations being signalled by the government, it’s time to have the conversation on why and how this would benefit New Zealand…

Exclusive Survey: Genetic Modification – What do we know?

With increasing pressure on food production systems, New Zealand needs to find ways to move forward that are both sustainable and reliable. Words Liz Morley,…

Episode 25 – Deep-diving fertility traits, N loss and contracts

This week we caught up with some farmers who shared their expertise at SIDE’s 2024 Conference, along with a geneticist. From new traits being researched for…

SMART goals

It can be quite complicated to set and stick to goals – but finding the right goal(s) for you will make it more likely that you will succeed. Words Kathryn…

Forecasting global movements

The fertiliser supply chain has a complex array of supply and demand dynamics. Where are they at now and what could it mean for price? Words Anne Lee