
Making the cap fit

Synthetic nitrogen use must be recorded and reported from the end of June. By Anne Lee.

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Lower N future

Meeting a Sustainable Future is a levy-funded DairyNZ initiative to support farmers in the Selwyn and Hinds catchments meet their environmental obligations while optimising their farm systems for profit and resilience. By Virginia Serra.

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Sea lettuce shows promise

With a goal of less waste, less run-off, less nutrients entering the waterways, sea lettuce has great potential. By Elaine Fisher.

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Pondstir makes effluent easy to manage

Effluent shouldn’t be a drain on your dairy farm. The right stirrer will help you to fully capitalise on this valuable resource.

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Water rises to the top

Freshwater reforms and other recent environmental legislation have directed the focus to water, and while that will mean change, it doesn’t have to be all bad, Keri Johnston writes.

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Nitrogen use drops 12%

Farmers were getting very clear signals from central and local government, customers, consumers of the need to reduce nitrogen use - even before Russia’s war in Ukraine, Karen Trebilcock reports.

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Stepping up on emissions

Anne Lee reports. Photos: Debbie Henderson.

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