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Spring decisions based on information

Measuring and monitoring key targets leading into spring calving will help keep cows and calves healthy. Words Emma Cuttance

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Gouda, garlic & herb wreath

The Jones Family Farm are some of the best tasting all rounder’s we have tried. Cooking with them is a great introduction into sheep milk and will have you crumbling their cheese’s into everything! Recipe & Image Samantha Parish.

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Spring 2024

Read NZ Dairy Exporter Winter 2024 issue here. NZ Dairy Exporter is NZ’s premier dairy farming subscription magazine. Our magazine tagline says it all: Learn, Grow, Excel.

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SIDE visits Lincoln Farmlets

The Low N farmlet trial carried out at Lincoln University is looking at all the tools in the box when it comes to lowering nitrogen loss and is also looking at a milk-based indicator tool for farmers to track and manage their herd’s dietary N surplus during the season.
Words Racheal Bryant

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Is Breeding the Answer?

Finding a marker or proxy in a dairy cow that correlates with low or high methane is the big prize.
Words Delwyn Dickey

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Pasture Will-ing

At the November 2023 Pasture Summit in Canterbury Will Green and Will Grayling shared an insight into their two very different farming businesses for a master-class in profitable pasture-based dairying.
Words Anne Lee. Photos Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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Salad Bar for Health

“Setting the table” in a novel way that allows cows to choose what they eat, may be resulting in milk that contains more health-giving nutrients for its human consumers. Words Anne Lee.

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Measure it? Manage It

If you measure it, you can manage it and in tighter times managing it well can mean significant savings. When reviewing your fertiliser policy, ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck, protecting the environment and highlighting areas where savings are possible.
Words Anne Lee

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Winter 2024

Read NZ Dairy Exporter Winter 2024 issue here. NZ Dairy Exporter is NZ’s premier dairy farming subscription magazine. Our magazine tagline says it all: Learn, Grow, Excel.

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Aquifer Puzzle

The Te Waikoropupū Springs has some of the clearest water ever measured and steps are being taken to protect it even further; yet little is known about how the aquifer system feeding it works. Meaning for those making improvements and refining practices to reduce nitrate, there is no scientific method to produce data that proves they are achieving the right results.

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