Episode 1 – Could we keep calves on cows as our consumers demand it?

In the first episode of The Dairy Exporter Podcast, Editor Sheryl Haitana & Deputy Editor Anne Lee delve into the study at Lincoln University’s Ashley Dene Research and Development Station that looks at a suckling calf rearing system, where cows and calves are kept together until weaning.

Due to popular demand, we present The Dairy Exporter Podcast series!

Every week, we’ll be interviewing experts, inspiring characters and change-makers to bring you the latest news and trends from the dairy industry.

EP 1 - Could we keep calves on cows as our consumers demand it?

Guests include:

1.Rachel Bryant, Lincoln University’s Department of Agricultural Sciences
2.Sarah Perriam-Lampp, Managing Director, CountryWide Media

1. Sheryl Haitana, Editor, NZ Dairy Exporter
2. Anne Lee, Deputy Editor, NZ Dairy Exporter

Keeping dairy calves with their mums until weaning conjures up idyllic, chocolate box images for some but for commercial dairy farmers, the concept is more likely to throw up numerous logistical challenges.

How do you manage milking, what happens to cow milk yields and what effect does the system have on cows and calves when that inevitable separation day comes?

In the first episode of The Dairy Exporter Podcast Editor, Sheryl Haitana & Deputy Editor Anne Lee delve into the study at Lincoln University’s Ashley Dene Research and Development Station that looks at a suckling calf rearing system, where cows and calves are kept together until weaning.

Read more about the study online at the NZ Dairy Exporter here.

Key Chapters of Interest 

09:10 Lincoln University Research on calves staying on dairy cows with Racheal Bryant

21:18 CountryWide Managing Director, Sarah Perriam-Lampp explains the changes at the Dairy Exporter

21:18 Racheal explains the different parts to the calf rearing 

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