Meeting ag’s challenges

The Dairy Industry Awards provide a huge opportunity to take a deep dive into your business, identify and develop goals and strengthen key relationships, says Amanda Burling of Baker Tilly Staples Rodway.

“Great leaders recognise their strengths and weaknesses and then identify and fill the gaps with good people.”

Farming in the current economic environment has significant challenges and opportunities – although sometimes it is a bit hard to see them. Surrounding yourself with a team of trusted advisers that you can lean on, means that you can focus on what you’re good at, and enjoy the most, Burling says.

“Many of our team agribusiness advisers are farmers too, which is part of the reason why they support the Dairy Industry Awards. Supporting the next generation of farmers to develop more skills, knowledge and tools is crucial to the ongoing success of the industry.”

Uncertainties with inflation, milk price and labour shortages, as well as changes in banking mean a successful farm business can’t rely on a she’ll-be-right attitude any more. Utilising your team of skilled advisers to support your on-farm decisions, offer clear and structured financial guidance, work with you on technical/structural succession plans, or help you recognise risks and opportunities could bring you a step closer to achieving your goals.

Agribusiness is quite specialised.

“Our team are more than just accountants and can help you understand all the numbers and how to make them work for you. Whether it’s cashflow or paying staff, working out forecast milk production pay-outs and income spread, or deciding whether to invest in more feed or different equipment, managing tax obligations, or utilising and upskilling in software, our team of agribusiness advisers are here to guide your decision making.”