Monitoring the cows

Tru-Test Active Tag monitors animal behaviour 24/7, saving time, reducing stress, and improving your herd.

TRU-TEST’S ACTIVE COLLAR tags and ear tags offer cow monitoring solutions for dairy farmers and their staff.

Powered by Datamars Livestock Software, the Tru-Test Active Tag monitors animal behaviour 24/7, saving time, reducing stress, and improving your herd. The machine-learning algorithm monitors individual animal activities and compares them to the group.

This allows quickly and accurate identification when an animal changes behaviour and if it is due to heat, a health event, or a group change.

Two new features help take the guesswork out of farm management.

Group Activity and Likely Calved use cow behaviour and Datamars Livestock intel to give even more insight.

With Group Activity you can:

Understand group behaviour with our comprehensive activity view.

Monitor how changes in management are impacting group behaviour, such as rumination, over time. Identify any animals under or over performing within a group. Compare animal activities to those of the group to better understand when an animal changes behaviour.

With Likely Calved: an alert is sent if a likely calving is detected. This can help identify which cows may have calved when you are away from the pen or paddock.

We’ll assist with monitoring to help you give your cows and calves the best start!

MORE? visit or call 0800 243 282 for a consultation to better understand what features would be of benefit to your operation.