Dairy Exporter September/October 2023

Whole milk powder slumps

With extra volumes on the auction and excess supply in the global market, it was unsurprising that a decline in demand for whole milk powder occurred. By Alex Winning-Brown.

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Cost of producing milk in Brazil

Brazil, South America’s largest country, is largely self-sufficient in dairy supply. By Wagner Beskow.

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Fast pasture saver

With strong cool season growth and year-round yields, hybrid ryegrass Frenzy's fast establishment makes it ideally suited for stitching into old or run-out pastures or it can serve as a short term (two-three years) option in specialist pastures.

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Monitoring the cows

Tru-Test Active Tag monitors animal behaviour 24/7, saving time, reducing stress, and improving your herd.

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Calves bounce back faster

Twenty years ago understanding of cow comfort was very different – there were virtually no scientific standards to measure well-being in farm animals. This encouraged Boehringer Ingelheim to study the impact of their long-acting anti-inflammatory pain relief Metacam® on reducing the pain associated with these essential farming procedures.

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Seeking the sweetness of lime

Seeking the right balance of soil acidity, lime is an essential additive to farms. Story and photographs by Karen Trebilcock.

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Visions of youth

A common interest in food and fibre is the catalyst for a group of young primary sector advocates. Anne Lee reports.

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It’s not all bad

Weathering the wettest season he can recall, George Moss takes a look at some of the achievements.

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Counting their chickens

Experience with organic free-range poultry has led a former Hawke’s Bay share-milking couple to breeding pedigree Jersey cows. Words and photos Anne Hardie.

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Going Ballistic

A spring forage mix of plantain and clover will boost spring production, help fill in pugged or sparse pastures and lift N fixing rates. By Jackie Harrigan.

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