Dairy Exporter September/October 2023

New rhizobium strains for white clover

Forage technologies are providing environmental solutions for farmers, writes John Caradus of Grasslanz.

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Contract milking during a low milk price

Inevitable fluctuations of milk prices potentially bring stress to contract milking relationships. Paul Bird offers some help.

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Pasture management in the wet

Most regions of New Zealand have experienced significantly more rainfall this season than usual, and much more than was predicted. By Claire Ashton.

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Contract Milking SIDE Workshop

Contract milkers, farm owners and farm advisers gave their advice at a workshop on contract milking at this year’s South Island Dairy Event. By Anne Lee.

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Clock ticking on agrichemicals

European Union rules on a range of agrichemicals used in New Zealand farming are set to expire by 2030. By Elaine Fisher.

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Maize on the move

Maize is an important crop for supplements across the country despite challenges of floods and climate change shifting regions and bringing new crops. By Delwyn Dickey.

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Success comes with change

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

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Tension ahead over contracts

Tumbling milk prices and rising costs may lead to strife between farm owners and their contract milkers, Anne Lee reports.

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A plan with pink hearts

A target of 50/50 sharemilking in five years features in the plans of a young migrant couple, contract milking in Southland. By Anne Lee. Photos by Edwin Mabonga.

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Taking Dipton to carbon neutrality

Dipton’s catchment group has looked at possible ways to reduce farm greenhouse gas emissions, questioned existing farm practices, and helped gain more knowledge about carbon sequestration. By Anne Lee.

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