Dairy Exporter September/October 2023

Unloading the weight

A Southland-based farmers’ group is tackling farming challenges within the region’s catchments. Anne Lee reports.

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Learning to love the rules

Compliance may be seen as a bugbear by many farmers, but world markets are set to demand more. By Phil Edmonds

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Progression through the system

A Hawke’s Bay couple have built an extensive dairy operation, planted thousands of trees and taken out the region’s top environmental award. By Jackie Harrigan.

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Collaring a big change

Introduction of cow collars has brought a complete system change for John Milne.

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Is your calf sick?

Manawatu vet Lisa Whitfield outlines the ways to check whether your calves are sick.

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Back to the north, and more rain

Volatile weather, lower than predicted payouts, high costs, climate change and a dairy industry that still managed to finish up only 0.5% down for milk supply on the previous season. Chloe Mackle sums it up.

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Plantations growing with added compost

Composting has proved an effective means for disposal of the occasional carcase onfarm. Peter Morgan writes.

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Knocking through the grass ceiling

At 28 years old, Emma Poole is a trained veterinarian, an equity partner in two dairy farms plus a runoff and runs a 1000-calf rearing operation in Pirongia, Waikato. She also happens to be the first woman to win the NZ Young Farmer of the Year. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Reducing reliance on internationally produced feed

NZ livestock systems are reliant on internationally produced feed. This represents a risk especially to the profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry. By Raewyn Densley, Jeremy Hunt, Lauren McEldowney, Phil Journeaux, Julian Reti Kaukau.

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Moving times

Glenn Jones has moved the family to a new farm and found a welcome in the community.

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