Public articles

Change Takes Time

The journey to organic dairy farming, building biodiversity, removing synthetic fertiliser and breathing life back into the soil does not happen overnight, but it starts by digging a hole.
Words Sheryl Haitana & Sarah Perriam-Lampp. Photos Camilla Rutherford, Sentient Imagery & Ella Bailey

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Episode 16 – Do we need a mindset shift towards staff?

Are we in need of a mindset change when it comes to staffing dairy farms? In this episode we dive into how to make the most of an upskilled generation of workers and discuss how to keep them in farming businesses for longer.

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Keep the finisher in mind

Dairy farmers wishing to phase out bobby calves will need to raise animals that will compete with other land uses. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Welcome on-board

The process of recruiting new staff should always be treated as an opportunity to improve your business. Understanding the type of person you require to create a successful team is a given, however, how you manage the onboarding process will ensure you achieve that sweet taste of success! Words Chris Coughlan

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Episode 15 – Managing cash flow pressure vs sustainability pressures with your bank

Figured’s modelling initially saw the start of this season with 38% of dairy farmers making a loss. Forecasts have improved by the end of the season so are the banks going to be more supportive of longer term investment into sustainability goals? This episode shares insights & forecasts, ways to deal with the bank for the long-term and how to manage the mental load of debt and cash flow stress.

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Episode 14 – Cows grazing on a salad bar create healthier milk

Early indications that if cows get to choose what they eat it may result in milk that contains higher levels of nutrients for its human consumers.
As part of a Lincoln University research trial, cows fed a range of specific pasture species in strips are producing milk that has higher levels of compounds such as vitamins E and B.

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Episode 13 – Protectionism against NZ dairy exports makes stormy seas ahead

As we come to a close on the 2023/2024 NZ season we look to review market performance and forecasts for the season ahead. This episode talks to three experts who are focused on the markets every day, including commentary on avian flu in the US, dairy production in China and how we can negotiate our way through Europe's protectionism measures against dairy.

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New Zealand Dairy Industry’s Continued Resilience

El Niño didn’t hit like expected which has seen NZ milk production stay steady with strong demand for our product.
Words Rosalind Crickett

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Price Pressures Flatten

While some fertiliser costs are softening, global volatility is not going away and neither are the inbuilt costs for the industry to improve its environmental footprint. Words by Sheryl Haitana.

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Episode 12 – Golden Bay dairy farmers diving deep to be at the forefront of freshwater

14 dairy farmers have been tasked with moving the freshwater quality status of Te Waikoropupu Springs in Golden Bay from ‘excellent’ to ‘absolutely amazing’ by 2038. Find out how these farmers are de-risking their farming business in the face of huge uncertainty, the power of having a collective voice in your catchment and how virtual fencing technology is supporting the challenge.

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Episode 11 – Be proactive with your calf rearing

Maize is pretty amazing for dairy farmers with both environmental and animal feed benefits that align with Fonterra’s target of 80% home-grown feed. Hear about Nestle’s recent presentation at a FAR maize field day, how maize is expanding into Southland with short maturing hybrids and how a Waikato dairy farmer is hitting $9,000/ha operating profit regardless of the payout.

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Continue protecting your herds performance

Now’s the time to stay on top of animal health.

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