Episode 54 – Breeding for the Future: Mating Plans, How to select the best bull team for your herd.
The much anticipated Gene Technology Bill has been introduced to parliament this week giving New Zealanders the first look at what the new regulations around genetic technologies such as gene editing and genetic modification could look like. In this episode hear from Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) science advisor Dr Emily Parker on the tiered, risk-based approach to regulating the technologies, including techniques that could be exempt from the regulations. Also hear from Dr Raj Bhula, the Gene Technology Regulator in Australia.
Episode 35 – Why is calf rumen development so crucial?
A busy calving season is underway across the country, and for farmers calf nutrition will be top of mind. In this episode we look at the different ways to develop your calf’s rumen, to raise healthy and feed-efficient cows. Hear from Jacqueline McGowan from DairyNZ about developing the rumen; Grant Jackson from SealesWinslow about raising feed-efficient cows; and Penelope Drysdale, a Manawatū farmer, about how integrating an organics system has benefitted her herd’s health.
Spring decisions based on information
Measuring and monitoring key targets leading into spring calving will help keep cows and calves healthy. Words Emma Cuttance
Keeping staff morale over calving
Happy, healthy calves have made for a happy Jess Lea, the calf-rearer.
Bonuses of halving calving
Calving half a herd in alternate years could reduce workloads onfarm. Anne Lee reporrts..
Calves arrive earlier
Nationwide, cows’ gestation length is getting shorter. By Karen Trebilcock.
Solving staff shortages in time for calving
With calving just around the corner, filling any gaps in your team is likely to be top of mind. By Jane Muir.
Ready, steady… calving
With calving just around the corner, prior planning will prevent burnout and reduce stress for your staff.