Dairy Exporter July/August 2023

Fertile farming in the north

First Paddy and Debbie Thornton were share milkers, then they bought the farm, and more. By Delwyn Dickey.

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Power shocks

While most farm input price increases are starting to fall, the need to build or upgrade electricity infrastructure is expected to boost prices. Phil Edmonds offers some solutions.

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Agrichemical standards reviewed

New standards have been introduced to the industry, including handling and use of agrichemicals such as pesticides and veterinary medicines.

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Growth potential for Wagyu

Michael Schat gave up contract milking to go into the Red Wagyu business boots ’n’ all and is making the most of opportunities that come his way. By Sandra Taylor.

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Peeking into the future

Change is on the way that could affect how we farm. Anne Lee reports.

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Production up, prices mixed

World dairy producers, including New Zealand, have seen a steady milk supply but prices are failing to set a firm direction, Amy Castleton writes.

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Welcome to the Fourth Agricultural Revolution

Data-driven technology is already commonplace on New Zealand farms, and more is predicted. Anne Lee reports.

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Doing what is right

Southern Pastures was created with an ethos of doing what is right, by the environment, by the animals, by the people. That ethos drives the dairy farming group to farm at a higher standard. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Wahine winners to the fore

Women have made a significant mark on the New Zealand Dairy Awards, this year dominating the list of winners. By Elaine Fisher

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What it costs to rear a calf in 2023

Paul Muir and staff from On-Farm Research at the Poukawa Research Farm in Hawke’s Bay have been researching calf rearing since 1996. They have put together an update of calf rearing costs for the 2023 season.

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