
NZ pasture trial here and overseas

Three studies using gene technologies in pasture show big promise for New Zealand. Words Anne Lee

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Episode 20: Capturing more profit from pasture

Farmers Will Grayling and Will Green discuss their profitable pasture-based systems and share their top tips on hitting pasture cover targets. Barenbrug’s Graham Kerr shares tips for getting the most out of your pasture crops, and when to start having conversations, making strategies, and communicating them.

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Pasture Health Check

Thinking ahead can have a significant impact on the success of your season. We talk to Graham Kerr from Barenbrug about the importance of undersowing.

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Pasture Will-ing

At the November 2023 Pasture Summit in Canterbury Will Green and Will Grayling shared an insight into their two very different farming businesses for a master-class in profitable pasture-based dairying.
Words Anne Lee. Photos Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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Salad Bar for Health

“Setting the table” in a novel way that allows cows to choose what they eat, may be resulting in milk that contains more health-giving nutrients for its human consumers. Words Anne Lee.

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Episode 9 – How to fine tune your pasture utilisation in Autumn

Two farmers and an agri-tech innovator share their pasture philosophy and learnings from top performing dairy farmers in how they focus on pasture utilisation that leads to better outcomes from people, profitability and the environment. 

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Preparing for El Nino impact

Galatea farms were looking phenomenal leading up to Christmas. However, with the prediction of El Nino hitting later in the summer, Galatea farmers Peter and Tania know what levers they need to pull if it gets dry. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Make the right call

No-one knows what next autumn will bring. But one thing is certain – new pasture sown this autumn will help (or hinder) the future more than you might expect.

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Pasture first in Southland

Consistent high performance is the benchmark of the Southland farms in Agribusiness Consultants’ portfolio. Anne Lee reports.

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