Thinking Monitoring? Think Allflex.

The Smiths are achieving more accurate heat detection in Hawera.

In Brand Spotlight1 Minutes

Farm owners Michael and De-Anne Smith already had a Protrack® system operating in their dairy shed, but in November 2020, they put Allflex® Collars on their 350 cows. 

The monitoring collars offered full integration with their Protrack draft gate and linked directly with the Protrack system on their computer at the dairy office and home. They are also in constant touch with their herd thanks to the SenseHubTM app, which holds the reproduction and health information collected by the collars. 

Michael can remember, “I was nervous about trusting the collars, believing that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but then I thought I have to trust this technology.” Since then, he hasn’t looked back. Heat detection is more accurate, tail painting has been dropped, and after Allflex purchased the Protrack system, he’s thrilled that “we can now just deal with one company, and we know we have full 24/7 service.”

 Choose the proven monitoring solution from the brand you know and the team you can trust.

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