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Pasture management is where it starts

The long-held, fundamental tenet of getting the stocking rate and calving date right is confirmed with the data analysis, Anne Lee reports.

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Programme helps Canterbury farmers meet N loss targets

A programme covering the Selwyn/Hinds districts of Canterbury has helped farmers meet nitrogen loss targets, writes Virginia Serra, DairyNZ senior manager, solutions and development.

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Farming in the sweet spot

Not enough is done to define the sweet spot in dairy farming. While the term is used readily, farmers do not know what it looks like. Chris Lewis writes.

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Cover on the Coast

Introduction of composting mootels to a Reefton farm has improved cow health and happiness, the environment, and extended milking with less feed wastage. By Anne Hardie.

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Linking the data

A scientist with an agricultural background believes he has an answer to the glut of bobby calves. By Ashley Smith.

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Bonuses of halving calving

Calving half a herd in alternate years could reduce workloads onfarm. Anne Lee reporrts..

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Demonstrating value to beef and dairy sectors

Dairy beef animals have to be the most efficient animals possible and genetics is a key factor. By Sheryl Haitana.

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Mootels pass early tests

A study of three recently installed composting mootels on West Coast dairy farms showed generally positive results in the high-rainfall region. By Anne Hardie.

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Powering up

Possibilities of introducing agrivoltaic electricity generation systems into New Zealand pastoral farming was subject of a recent study. By Delwyn Dickey.

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Protect what matters most with Lepto 4-Way™

Lepto 4-Way™ is a new vaccine for cattle, developed to provide protection against the emergence of Pacifica as well as the Hardjo, Pomona and Copenhageni strains previously covered by existing vaccines.

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Lincoln University opens new building

Opening of a major new building is a sign of recovery for Lincoln University, Anne Lee writes.

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Whole milk powder slumps

With extra volumes on the auction and excess supply in the global market, it was unsurprising that a decline in demand for whole milk powder occurred. By Alex Winning-Brown.

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Cost of producing milk in Brazil

Brazil, South America’s largest country, is largely self-sufficient in dairy supply. By Wagner Beskow.

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Fast pasture saver

With strong cool season growth and year-round yields, hybrid ryegrass Frenzy's fast establishment makes it ideally suited for stitching into old or run-out pastures or it can serve as a short term (two-three years) option in specialist pastures.

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Monitoring the cows

Tru-Test Active Tag monitors animal behaviour 24/7, saving time, reducing stress, and improving your herd.

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Calves bounce back faster

Twenty years ago understanding of cow comfort was very different – there were virtually no scientific standards to measure well-being in farm animals. This encouraged Boehringer Ingelheim to study the impact of their long-acting anti-inflammatory pain relief Metacam® on reducing the pain associated with these essential farming procedures.

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