
Facing the squeeze

Despite recent market recoveries, many farmers could benefit from more independent scrutiny of their plans, Phil Edmonds writes.

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Cow magic

West Coast dairy herd manager Chloe Payne has scored a huge following in the social media world with her Instagram pictures of her cows. By Anne Hardie.

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Dairy season showing resurgence

After August’s fall has come the recovery of the dairy market. By Rosalind Crickett.

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Lincoln University opens new building

Opening of a major new building is a sign of recovery for Lincoln University, Anne Lee writes.

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Whole milk powder slumps

With extra volumes on the auction and excess supply in the global market, it was unsurprising that a decline in demand for whole milk powder occurred. By Alex Winning-Brown.

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Cost of producing milk in Brazil

Brazil, South America’s largest country, is largely self-sufficient in dairy supply. By Wagner Beskow.

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Visions of youth

A common interest in food and fibre is the catalyst for a group of young primary sector advocates. Anne Lee reports.

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Learning to love the rules

Compliance may be seen as a bugbear by many farmers, but world markets are set to demand more. By Phil Edmonds

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Knocking through the grass ceiling

At 28 years old, Emma Poole is a trained veterinarian, an equity partner in two dairy farms plus a runoff and runs a 1000-calf rearing operation in Pirongia, Waikato. She also happens to be the first woman to win the NZ Young Farmer of the Year. Sheryl Haitana reports.

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Dairy’s contribution to NZ

Stand up and be proud of the contribution dairying is making to the country’s economy. The "Solid Foundations: Dairy’s economic contribution to New Zealand" report shows dairy farming accounted for 3.2% of NZ's GDP in the last year. By Anne Lee.

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