
Processors cut their carbon

Milk processors in Otago and Southland are switching energy sources to cut emissions. Story and photos by Karen Trebilcock.

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A migrant’s story

A determined attitude has seen a young Sri Lankan make the move to New Zealand dairying. Story and photos by Karen Trebilcock.

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Part of the solution

Farmers, particularly young ones, want to be part of the policy-making system with environmental regulation. By Anne Hardie.

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Looking after the local market

What if food and farming was more like healthcare and education - a public good? By Elaine Fisher.

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Antibiotics and the health of nations

In recent years, the human medical sector has consistently raised concerns regarding the potential overuse of antibiotics in food-producing animals – specifically those critical to human health.

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Ticking the boxes with hemp

Hemp offers opportunities for people to get into a whole different area of primary production, but present law limits possibilities. Rebecca Greaves reports.

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