Milking Platform

Community spirit

Two voluntary groups have a special place in the heart for Geraldine farmer Frances Coles.

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Success with small things

Sometimes it’s attending to the small stuff that can result in big changes on the farm, Richard Reynolds writes, in the second of his two-part low-tech innovations series.

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Your path to 2030 and beyond

After a week of Fieldays events and E Tipu BOMA 2023 conference, Trish Rankin has never been more motivated to think about the path ahead for her family, farming business and agriculture.

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Asking the right question

If we all remember to ask the right questions, we should hopefully, always get the answers we need, Southland dairy farmer Suzanne Hanning says.

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A new chapter in farming career

Succession is more than a television drama - it’s part of real life for many farming families. Hamish Hammond reports on his own family experience.

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Aiming for national awards

Having entered the dairy awards before, Jess Lea took some persuading, but this time around she and husband Cam triumphed in their region.

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Getting ready for ‘mooving’

Canterbury sharemilkers Glenn Jones and Sarah Brett are set to take on a new farm.

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Stick to your knitting, it always pays

Once-a-day milking has paid off this season for Penelope and Blair Drysdale at Te Miro, near Norsewood, Penelope writes.

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Flashback to conversion

John Milne reflects on the family’s conversion of a beef and sheep farm to dairy.

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Introducing Milking Shorthorns to the mix

Anieka Templer introduces herself and family to Milking Platform.

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