Milking Platform
Collaring a big change
Introduction of cow collars has brought a complete system change for John Milne.
Back to the north, and more rain
Volatile weather, lower than predicted payouts, high costs, climate change and a dairy industry that still managed to finish up only 0.5% down for milk supply on the previous season. Chloe Mackle sums it up.
Plantations growing with added compost
Composting has proved an effective means for disposal of the occasional carcase onfarm. Peter Morgan writes.
Moving times
Glenn Jones has moved the family to a new farm and found a welcome in the community.
Community spirit
Two voluntary groups have a special place in the heart for Geraldine farmer Frances Coles.
Success with small things
Sometimes it’s attending to the small stuff that can result in big changes on the farm, Richard Reynolds writes, in the second of his two-part low-tech innovations series.
Your path to 2030 and beyond
After a week of Fieldays events and E Tipu BOMA 2023 conference, Trish Rankin has never been more motivated to think about the path ahead for her family, farming business and agriculture.
Asking the right question
If we all remember to ask the right questions, we should hopefully, always get the answers we need, Southland dairy farmer Suzanne Hanning says.
A new chapter in farming career
Succession is more than a television drama - it’s part of real life for many farming families. Hamish Hammond reports on his own family experience.
Aiming for national awards
Having entered the dairy awards before, Jess Lea took some persuading, but this time around she and husband Cam triumphed in their region.