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Data and insights farmers can afford

Available in ear tag and collar options, Tru-Test Active Tag delivers improved farm efficiency and maximises labour savings, reducing stress for you and your cows.

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Cynthia Collier grant established

Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ) has announced the establishment of the Cynthia Collier grant of $5000 to assist projects and initiatives that support rural communities.

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Protecting against a new strain of leptospirosis

A new strain of leptospirosis has significant health implications for anyone working closely with dairy cows.

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Putting on the veal

A Mid-Canterbury dairy farm, with connections to Synlait, is tackling the bobby calf issue with a beef twist. Anne Lee reports.

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Are biting flies a nuisance on your farm?

There’s a fly that hangs around cows at milking and it’s irritating to both humans and bovines, writes vet Lisa Whitfield.

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Big Feed is back

The Big Feed rural telethon is back for a second year and the ultimate goal is for no one to go hungry.

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BBQ Veal ribeye chop with house mustard and spiced jus

The team at Odeon restaurant have whipped up a delicious recipe for BBQ Veal Ribeye Chop with house mustard and spiced jus

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Cow magic

West Coast dairy herd manager Chloe Payne has scored a huge following in the social media world with her Instagram pictures of her cows. By Anne Hardie.

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What to do with Bobby?

Our tenacious team of journalists love nothing more than to get their teeth into a good challenge. The challenge this issue is around “What to do with a problem like Bobby?”

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Natural rearing makes Pearl Veal the real deal

The aim of a pasture-raised veal system is to give calves great lives and keep rearing as close to nature as possible, Anne Lee writes.

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Dutch farmers fasten their seat belts

After a few great years of production and earnings, Dutch dairy farmers are deep in the manure. By Sjoerd Hofstee.

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Dairy season showing resurgence

After August’s fall has come the recovery of the dairy market. By Rosalind Crickett.

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Soil nitrogen to reduce maize growing costs

While nitrogen fertiliser prices have eased, they are still a significant contributor to the cost of maize production.

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Dairy Exporter’s generational shift

New Zealand Dairy Exporter has undergone a generational shift with a move to new owners.

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Applying science to suckling

Keeping calves with mum until weaning is part of a study of alternative rearing systems. By Anne Lee.

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Going green while staying in the black

The thought of reducing the stocking rate by 19% while cutting both nitrogen use in half and slashing imported feed would strike fear in the hearts of most dairy farmers. But the Step Change project at Dairy Trust Taranaki (DTT) Gibson farm has proven the strategy can improve profitability by 15% while reducing overall GHG by 18% and methane by 15%. By Jackie Harrigan.

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